It includes plotting, writing, revising, editing, finding someone to Beta for you (and praying they will actually finish the book and get you some feedback) then revising again...and again...and so on.
My point is - it's a process. A much more complex process than most people (who don't write) imagine it is.
As some of you may already know, I've been Editing for a while. I love it. After all, if I'm not going to be writing at least I can be reading. I also love working with graphic design. Visual Communications (a fancy way to say Art) was my first major in college. Of course, I didn't think I'd make any money with it and changed to Journalism and Mass Comm. Because, ya know, I make sooo much more cha-ching now. ::insert eye roll here::
What many of you may not already know is that I've also been trying to put together a website platform for Indie Authors to help with this journey that would make even Frodo Baggins think twice. Because the road to published - traditional or self-pubbed - can be a daunting one.
I know the struggles I've faced personally and I've had training in the troublesome areas. I want to help others who might be struggling too and do so at a cost that we struggling writers can actually afford. I mean, we are called starving artists for a reason, right? And so, from my own struggles and my desire to help fellow authors Plot2Published Author Services was born.
P2P offers affordable services such as:
- Editing
- Beta Readers
- Blurb writing
- Synopsis/Query letters
To celebrate the website going live...I'm having GIVEAWAYS for the entire month.
Join in on on the Grand Opening month long event. I'll be giving away the following:
- $25 worth of services on April 5th, 12th & 19th
- $50 worth of services on April 30th
I also have a SPECIAL PRIZE for the person who SHARES the MOST!
The April 12th Prize is up and running!!
Enter here:
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