Today I’m celebrating the idea of Romance with a little Giveaway!
I'm personally awarding one prize not listed to the JUICIEST (not X-rated please...I don't have the disclaimer on my comment.
I'm personally awarding one prize not listed to the JUICIEST (not X-rated please...I don't have the disclaimer on my comment.
(**$10 Amazon Gift Card and eBook ARC of my upcoming novel, Book of Dreams: Lullaby)
There's also a Kindle Fire, Nook & other great swag available for the Grand Prize drawing from all the entries on the tour.
There's also a Kindle Fire, Nook & other great swag available for the Grand Prize drawing from all the entries on the tour.
So . . . What is romance? Can you answer that with a few sentences? Really?

As writers we delve into this mysterious martyr every time Character A catches a glimpse of Character B across a crowded room, or graveyard, or runs smack into them turning a corner . . . either way, you get my point. We dig our claws in and hang on for the ride when it begins.
I could go on and on about what I happen to think romance it. I could spout off about candlelit dinners (which are a bit cliché at this point, if you ask me), roses (at least find out her favorite flowers . . . don’t just half-heart it with the old standby) or love poems. Ok, actually . . . love poems are still a really great idea if done right. Just, for the love of all that is holy, don’t start it off with “Roses are red, violets are blue . . .” If you do, you don’t really deserve to get the girl/guy. Seriously.
With that said . . . let the contest begin.
Here’s how the contest works. Go through the list below & do those things. Yeah . . . I know. Simple. I don’t like to complicate things. You can come back every day during the giveaway and enter AGAIN.
(Side Note: Simply clicking on the +10 or whichever to get points for joining/liking/tweeting DOESN'T sign you up for the site or automatically perform that action for you. You have to actually join in the right margin/like the FB page or Tweet. It won't count your points for the raffle otherwise. Please make sure you do this so you get your "tickets" submitted.)
(Side Note: Simply clicking on the +10 or whichever to get points for joining/liking/tweeting DOESN'T sign you up for the site or automatically perform that action for you. You have to actually join in the right margin/like the FB page or Tweet. It won't count your points for the raffle otherwise. Please make sure you do this so you get your "tickets" submitted.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
**A few notes about the prizes. I will need info for the winners in order to send the Amazon gift card and the ARC for Lullaby will be emailed once it is completed and available, likely 3-4 weeks prior to the scheduled release date . . . fingers crossed will be sooner rather than later.
Romance is the act of making your partner feel special over and above the typical acts that define the existence you share together. It can be as simple as playing footsie while having coffee sitting in the sun on the back porch.... or starting to prepare dinner together and taking a break to make love on the counter... as long as you make each other feel as special as each of you are in the others heart.. that's what counts in romance.
ReplyDeleteRomance to me is as simple as being there for the one you love when they need it most, when they can't always express that need.
ReplyDeleteRomance can be as simple as an exchange of glances - anytime, anywhere - the look that says 'I love you.'
When you feel your heart thudding against your chest at a mere touch, or the glance that says "I love you" from across the room. It's your heart breaking at the thought of never seeing your love again - knowing separation would smother the life right out of you.
ReplyDeleteRomance means to me everything that involves love and the things that two persons who love eachother do to prove them their love. The most romantic thing someone's ever done to me is taking me at a castle near sea waves and stones, and spending the time together right there in the middle of nowhere, but with the persone I loved. I don't have a character or something because I'm not a writer, so I'll pass this task. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this awsome giveaway! :)
Romance to me is that thrill, the anticipation to see the one you love. Just a look, simple touch, or even a whispered word is all you need to know you are their world. It's the fact that you know even on your worst day they will make you laugh, smile, or cry.
You know for juiciest I want to say a peach or something just as silly.
ReplyDeleteI love this hoop. Too fun! Delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo
Hi Bridgette! Romance for me is so many things. A glance, a smile. A hand on the small of the back. Yum. It's all good! Have a great hop!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I like watching characters growing more open with each other.
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating in the hop and giving us all a chance to win.
romance is being with the person who makes you feel special. being with the person you want to share all your important moments with
Romance is the little things my husband and I do and say to each other
ReplyDeletes2s2 at comcast dot net
Romance to me means putting the other person and their needs first
ReplyDeletefencingromein at hotmail dot com
Great post!! I think the little things that are done out of the blue just because he loves you are the most romantic!!
ReplyDeletethanks for the contest!!
Romance to me is the small, but meaningful things that we do for each other.
ReplyDeleteskpetal at hotmail dot com
Romance is all the small things. The most romantic thing was when My hubby took me to see Wicked, he hates musicals. :0)
I love it when my man does something he doesn't love, because I do...
I know I just left this comment on another blog, but for me the most romantic gesture happened when my husband and I were leaving the house early one morning - on our way to the church to get married - and he remembered the house keys. I was a little frazzled (!) and it felt so good to know I didn't have to do it all myself. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeletelivrancourt (at)yahoo(dot)com
Romance: a quickening , a pleasure 4 ever 2 B shared , a touch That I LOVE 2 feel soo((much)..with hopes that Romance takes me 2 that Special place. Let’s face it Romance means Clarity ,becoming undone more or less it’s understood..come on bring the Real Fun!!!
ReplyDeleteTaking a chance, trying, never denying a chance on LOVE allowing ur-self 2 B Romanced it’s Raw then sweet a pleasurable alluring keeps me excited then upbeat oftentimes up all nite without any Sleep but of all by far it’s my diamond N the rough..that I submissively Never cant get enough.. also it can b that lover thats dress 2 the nines or even define at best a wild burst of colors I View at a huge picturesques perfect window on show I’m Awed by it’s brilliant rainbows & it’s dazzling white Winters Snow. A wat’s ur pleasure kinda thing without or attach 2 strings…((sometimes;)
Lastly Romance is namely the same as SATISFACTION its totally domination it demands a Will but its so darn orgasmic!! 4 real, It Always comes 2 gives electrifying passioniate Thrills.
Romance: An action on display also a personal dance of erotic show of feelings simply being convey if ya really want 2 know. A Saying N pictures ,Words , actions or deeds wat ur heart desperately desires long 4 wants craves& hopelessly need!
A brand stamped on the heart & mind of hopes of a Love longed 4 it's simply wild & devine shared 4 ever 4 all times!
Romance to me is showing your love through your actions.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway and participating in the blog hop!
The most romantic thing done for me was a surprise gift of red roses.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
When we were early on in the relationship - and I had flown back home after a week together I went to pick my back up from the carousel - and he handed it to me. He flew in on a flight that landed about 30 minutes before mine - (thank you TSA and weather and general crap airline I was on) and rushed to be there to get my bag because I forgot something in Atlanta. He handed me an envelope with a pewter heart charm and a little poem - and keys to his house, and said he wasn't ready for the time together to end.
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing
Romance is a very subjective thing. What one person views as romantic could be thought dumb by another. Over the years my understanding of what constitutes romantic has changed. When my spouse steps out of his comfort zone to do something for me, I see that it is his way of a romantic gesture rather than a dozen red roses. And I love him all the more for it.
Romance means being in the moment, completely focused on the one you love, feeling the connection even though he/she may be millions miles apart.
Romance means everything to me. That's why I love reading so much romance book. It can be contemporary or paranormal, I love it!
ReplyDeleteverusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com
Romance means the unexpected gestures that make you feel treasured.
ReplyDeletebituin76 AT hotmail DOT com
Romance is a significant other doing something to make their partner feel special!
Romance Hop...loving it! But so many sites in so little time!
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, I believe in romance! Pretty fav movie, proves that there's an HEA for any and everyone.
Romance/love is the glue that keeps the world sane...
Thank you for the opportunity to visit your site to check out your work.
Thanks for participating! Really like the hop so far!! I love reading, especially romance. I love reading contemporary, historical and erotic romance. I love the happy ending that is garenteed at the end. My favorite book is Lover Mine by JR Ward! I love John Matthew and Xhex. My favorite romantic moment was when my fiancé asked me to marry him! We meant two years ago right around when summer was ending when my friend and I went out for our last big night out before classes started again. I think it is romantic when he brings me flowers because no one else has ever done it! Thanks so much! Hope everyone else is having a great long weekend!!
To me romance is the little things you do for one another.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome & amazing giveaway!
I have not had a romantic moment, but my fave romance scene in a book is at the end of J. R. Ward's Lover Awakened. When Zsadist gave Bella the paper with those three little words he couldn't write before! I cry every time I read it! Thanks for joining hop!
ReplyDeleteehaney578 at aol dot com
I love when my husband touches the nape of my neck , it is his way of showing me his love for me...I also love when he set's up our massage table and calls me to our bedroom to give me a full body massage....that is romance...
Thanks for the awesome hop and giveaways! This is so much fun! Thank you! My favorite thing about romance is the romance. lol I love the characters, the plots, the HEA's, the love. I love it all!
My favorite thing about romance is the journey the hero and heroine go on to find their HEA!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Love the blog, great hop!
What romance means to me ,wanting to be together, no matter what.deb p
Thanks tons for the hop! I only read romance. My fav is Lora Leigh! Going to parade Monday with brothers and sisters! Should be FUN!
It means caring for someone for than yourself.
Romance is a song, a look a feeling shared by two people.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most romantic things one of my characters did was when the hero gave his wife a collaring ceremony to prove his commitment to their D/s relationship.
ReplyDeleteFor me, romance is all about the trust and respect built between the characters. Since I write BDSM, these elements are very important.
Thank you for participating in the blog hop!
Romance is something that two people feel when they are in love with each other. It can be shown in small ways or in big, extravagant ways, but no matter how it's shown it's all just a way to say, "I love you".
ReplyDeleteThe most romantic thing my boyfriend has ever done for me was to buy me a necklace when we didn't even meet in person yet.(We met online through a game that we both played.) He sent me a necklace that had a heart pendant and engraved on the front was 'Josh's Angel' and on the back was 'I love you'. It was very sweet and I cherish that necklace so very much. :) Thank you for the giveaway and for being part of the hop!
Crystal Craig
I like how love changes the characters in books for the better. The most romantic thing my husband ever did for me was hand-make a birthday card for me shaped like the Tardis from Dr. Who, complete with doors that open. It's cool!
doxisrcool at
thank you for joining in on the hop. romance to me is just being there for each other in any situation. i cant really explain it, but knowing thaat if i have a bad day hubby is home waiting to just listen to me with out makeing demands.
Romance is wanting what is best for the person you love.
A romantic gesture that rocks my world is a kis on the hand and then a kiss on the inside of my wrist!
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Romance is putting the other person before yourself.
ReplyDeletesstrode at scrtc dot com
makes life living, too boring otherwise - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
ReplyDeleteRomance means to me something your partner would do anything for you. He would love you lots and lots!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!
Romance means having someone to be there for you. Also it's the little things you do for each other.
Thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteRomance can be as simple as holding hands with your loved one!
Romance is that time of being swept off one's feet...of feeling you've found that special one even if your brain is telling you noooo.
ReplyDeleteRomance is that giddy butterfly feeling you have inside when the one you love simply looks at you :) Great post !!
the most erotic expression of raw romance is found in the Song of, that is juicy, without being XXX!!
ReplyDeleteI have no romance in my life I always loved the small things when I did holding hands or just holding each other watching a movie! I love to read about it really love happy endings!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great giveaway and fun blog hop always looking for more books and authors to read!
Romance to me is the little things you can do that will make the other half smile or appreciate. Thx for hopping.
ReplyDeleteblinkysthebest at aol dot com
What a great hop! Grand prizes, old friends to visit and new ones to meet… and chances to win at each stop too. I’m in Blog heaven! :-}
ReplyDeleteMy husband while on a cross country trip with his family (we were dating at that time) made them stop in several small towns so he could get me a coffee cup from each of them because he knew I collected different coffee cups. I still have those cups and we’ve been married over 20 years.
I’m a sucker for the HEA. All my favorite authors give me a great story line, characters I can identify with, HOT love scenes and a perfect HEA! <^_^>
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
Romance to me is working together no matter what comes your way. My hubby and I have been together 29 years. Never thought that he would become so sick that the hospital would write him off 4 times. but every day he fights to get better and every day he supports me emotionally while I work to support us financially.
ReplyDeleteThe Blog Hog has been fun. I love meeting all these you authors. Keep writing so I can keep reading.
I don't have a juicy story.
ReplyDeleteBut I do love romance...
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
My DH bought me a pink ribbon necklace to lift my spirits before my radiation started.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
beckerjo at verizon dot net
The most romantic gesture I have ever received was when my husband had our house professionally cleaned before bringing our 5th son and me home from the hospital after his birth. He was born 1 week before Christmas and our house looked amazing. I got to rest and concentrate on our family and our new edition. I loved it.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Why I like Romance Novels….The reason I like Romance Novels so much is because it is one place where I can be anywhere like England, Scotland, Rome, Ireland, or anywhere in the US. I can also be in any time like 1200’s Scotland, 1500’s England, 1900’s Chicago. I can be anyone like a princess, a servant, a werewolf, a duchess, a vampire, or a lost soul. But no matter what I get the privilege and the experience to overcome many different obstacles and find love. I am a mother of three teenagers as well and there are many days when I need an escape and my heart needs a rest from the trials of being a parent and trying to do what is best for everyone but yourself. I have overcome cancer, loss, and financial problems and Romance Books let my heart soar and feel free. Let me tell you in this world, and during this time where life can have so many struggles it is great that you can be, have, and do so many things to find love and romance and still be yourself!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI believe romance is one human being observant enough to see what yearns in the deepest places of another person, and do his/her best to fulfill those yearnings. Whether that be acceptance, a soft kiss, protection, or something that cannot be defined, that one person can see the longing of another if looking hard enough, then reach deep within themselves to offer the most satisfying offering possible. To me, that is romance.
ReplyDeletetheresa (dot) mcclinton (at) hotmail (dot) com
Reading romance relieves the stress of everyday worries.
ReplyDeletemcv111 at hotmail dot com
Love is like a fire. If not fed the proper fuel it'll go out. Romance is the art of knowing which fuel is needed to sustain a long-lasting and satisfactory fire.
ReplyDeleteI love candlelit dinners, even if they are cliche.