And let’s face it. You can’t have a story without one. They drive the intensity; they propel the conflict all the way to climax. If it weren’t for the villainous bad boys, the hero/heroine would lose their affect. Not to mention, those bad boys are usually just, well, yummy.
And – if they are doing their jobs – they remind us of the darker parts of ourselves that perhaps we wish weren't really there, they make us secretly root for them or feel sorry for them – then they do something ungodly that reminds us why it really would just never work out, no matter how drop dead sexy they are. The really great ones are those we can see as the protagonists of their own story, and perhaps – if things had been a bit different – they could have been the hero.
So . . . in honor of those oh-so-wicked bad boys, I'm doing a little giveaway.

(don't forget to leave your email addy so I can notify you if you win)
a Rafflecopter giveaway